Recommended Characters based on Z Ability IV

HP: 20907
Strike ATK: 2049
Strike DEF: 1445
Blast ATK: 2370
Blast DEF: 1474
Pierce Resist: 98
Slice Resist: 99
Impact Resist: 101
Explode Resist: 102
Critical Rate: 14.35%
Ki Recover: 24.28%
Vanish Recover: 20.00%
Change CD: 8s
Fusion of God and Demon
+35% to damage inflicted by allied "Tag: Regeneration" or "Tag: Legends Road" for 25 timer counts.
Inflicts all enemies with Attribute Downgrade "+30% to Damage Received" for 20 timer counts.
Cancels enemy Attribute Upgrades.
Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.
Mind of the Super Warriors
Shortens own substitution count by 2 as default.
Applies the following effects to allies when this character is defeated:
+30% to damage inflicted for 30 timer counts.
Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 30 timer counts.
Namekian Willpower
Applies the following effects to allies when this character is switched to standby:
+30% to Blast damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
+30% to Ki Recovery for 15 timer counts.
Also applies the following effects to allied "Tag: Regeneration" or "Tag: Legends Road":
+30% to Strike damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Restores health by 5% (activates three times).

Strike (Explode)

Blast (Impact)

+20% to Blast damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Cancels own Attribute Downgrades and Abnormal Conditions.

Deals major Explode damage.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+20% to Blast Damage Received" for 20 timer counts on hit.
Fusion of God and Demon
+35% to damage inflicted by allied "Tag: Regeneration" or "Tag: Legends Road" for 30 timer counts.
Inflicts all enemies with Attribute Downgrade "+30% to Damage Received" for 30 timer counts.
Cancels enemy Attribute Upgrades.
Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.
Mind of the Super Warriors
Shortens own substitution count by 2 as default.
Applies the following effects to allies when this character is defeated:
+30% to damage inflicted for 30 timer counts.
Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 30 timer counts.
Namekian Willpower
Applies the following effects to allies when this character is switched to standby:
+30% to Blast damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
+30% to Ki Recovery for 20 timer counts.
Also applies the following effects to allied "Tag: Regeneration" or "Tag: Legends Road":
+30% to Strike damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Restores health by 5% (activates three times).
The Demon's Treachery
The following effects occur when enemy switches characters while this character is on the battlefield:
Gain Attribute Upgrade "-20% to enemy's 'Sustained Damage CUT' effects" for 15 timer counts.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+5 to all Arts costs" for 15 timer counts.
The Watcher's Wisdom
+40% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts when this character enters the battlefield.
Also applies the following effects to self if a "Tag: Regeneration" or "Tag: Legends Road" other than this character is a battle member:
+50% to Ki Recovery for 10 timer counts.
+50% to Vanishing Gauge Recovery for 10 timer counts.

Strike (Explode)

Blast (Impact)

+20% to Blast damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Cancels own Attribute Downgrades and Abnormal Conditions.

Deals major Explode damage.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+30% to Blast Damage Received" for 20 timer counts on hit.