Recommended Characters based on Z Ability IV

HP: 22119
Strike ATK: 2310
Strike DEF: 1380
Blast ATK: 2059
Blast DEF: 1352
Pierce Resist: 100
Slice Resist: 99
Impact Resist: 100
Explode Resist: 101
Critical Rate: 12.79%
Ki Recover: 21.52%
Vanish Recover: 20.00%
Change CD: 10s
Raging Power
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Angry Force" next.
Restores own health by 20%.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Rising Power
+5% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts every time this character uses an Strike Arts Card.
Additional +5% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts if "Character: Goku" or "Character: Vegeta" is an enemy.
Chaining Power
Applies "-20% to Damage Received" to allied "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" for 10 timer counts and +20% to their damage inflicted for 15 timer counts when this character is switched to standby.

Strike (Impact)

Blast (Impact)

+20% to Strike damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+20% to Blast Damage Received" for 15 timer counts.

Deals major Impact damage.
Applies Attribute Upgrade "-50% to enemy's 'Sustained Damage CUT' effects activated when changing cover" to self for 25 timer counts upon activation.

Deals massive Impact damage.
20% chance to inflict Faint on hit.
*Blast Armor when charging forward.
Raging Power
Draw the Ultimate Arts Card "Angry Force" next.
Restores own health by 20% and Ki by 20.
Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.
Rising Power
+5% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts every time this character uses a Strike Arts Card.
Additional +10% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts if "Tag: Saiyan" is an enemy.
Chaining Power
Applies "-20% to Damage Received" to allied "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" for 10 timer counts and +25% to their damage inflicted for 15 timer counts when this character is switched to standby.
Uncontrollable Bloodlust
Applies the following effects to self according to the number of timer counts elapsed with current character:
5 counts elapsed: +20% to damage inflicted.
10 counts elapsed: +20% to Strike damage inflicted.
Effects reset after characters switch.
Ultimate Foe
Applies the following effects to self when this character enters the battlefield:
+20% to Strike damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Increases own Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 10 timer counts.
+40% to own Ki Recovery for 20 timer counts.

Strike (Impact)

Blast (Impact)

+20% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+20% to Damage Received" for 15 timer counts.

Deals major Impact damage.
Applies Attribute Upgrade "-100% to enemy's 'Sustained Damage CUT' effects activated when changing cover" to self for 25 timer counts upon activation.

Deals massive Impact damage.
+30% to Ultimate damage inflicted for 3 timer counts upon activation.
20% chance to inflict Faint on hit.
*Blast Armor when charging forward.