Recommended Characters based on Z Ability IV
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Super Saiyan Android #18
2nd Form Android #18
Fused with Kami Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Super Saiyan God SS Android #18
Android #18
Super Saiyan 2 Android #18
Super Saiyan 3 Goku
Android #18
Perfect Form & Final Form Android #18
Perfect Form & Final Form Cell & Frieza
Android #18
Super Saiyan 3 Android #18
Super Saiyan 3 Android #18
Android #18
Super Saiyan Android #18
Super Saiyan Android #18
Android #18
Super Saiyan Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
East Supreme Kai Android #18
Super Vegito
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
1st Form Android #18
Android #18
Red Ribbon Army Android #18
Android #18
God of Destruction Android #18
Final Form Android #18
Super Saiyan Android #18
Hero Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Perfect Form Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Gamma 1 & Gamma 2
Android #18
Final Form Android #18
Super Saiyan God SS Android #18
Android #18
Super Saiyan 3 & Super Saiyan 2 Android #18
Super Saiyan 3 & Super Saiyan 2 Goku & Vegeta
Android #18
2nd Form Android #18
Perfect Form Cell
Super Saiyan 2 Android #18
Super Saiyan 2 Android #18
Super Saiyan Android #18
Super Saiyan Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Perfect Form Android #18
Android #18
Ultimate Gohan Absorbed Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Super Saiyan Android #18
Android #18
Android #17 & Android #18
Super Saiyan Android #18
Super Saiyan God SS Android #18
Super Saiyan God SS Android #18
Android #18
1st Form Android #18
Super Saiyan Rosé Android #18
Android #18
Legendary Super Saiyan Android #18
Super Saiyan God SS Android #18
Super Saiyan God Android #18
Super Saiyan 3 Android #18
Super Saiyan 2 Android #18
Super Saiyan Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Majin Vegeta
Perfect Form Android #18
Perfect Cell
Android #18
Super Saiyan Trunks (Kid)
Android #18
Super Saiyan Goten (Kid)
Gotenks Absorbed Android #18
Super Saiyan Android #18
Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks
Android #18
Super Vegito
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #21: Transformed (Evil)
Android #18
1st Form Android #18
Kakarot Android #18
Android #18
Ultimate Gohan Absorbed Android #18
Super Saiyan 3 Android #18
Goku Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Ultimate Gohan Absorbed Android #18
Fused with Kami Android #18
Taitans Android #18
Android #18
Super Saiyan 3 Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Super Saiyan 3 Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Super Saiyan Trunks (Youth)
Android #18
Super Saiyan Android #18
Super Saiyan 2 Android #18
Android #18
King of the Demon Realm Android #18
Super Saiyan Android #18
Android #18
Super Saiyan Android #18
Super Saiyan Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Super Saiyan 3 Android #18
Perfect Form Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Super Saiyan Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Super Saiyan 3 Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Super Saiyan 2 Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
King of the Demon Realm Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Perfect Form Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
2nd Form Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
1st Form Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
World Champion Android #18
Android #18
2nd Form Android #18
Android #18
1st Form Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
Android #18
 Android #18 Android #18 Android #18 Android #18 Android #18 Android #18 Android #18 Android #18 Android #18 Android #18 Android #18 Android #18 Android #18
Base Stats

HP: 24927

Strike ATK: 2253

Strike DEF: 1733

Blast ATK: 2298

Blast DEF: 1716

Pierce Resist: 100

Slice Resist: 100

Impact Resist: 100

Explode Resist: 100

Critical Rate: 13.97%

Ki Recover: 24.76%

Vanish Recover: 20.00%

Change CD: 10s

Main Ability

Aggressive Negotiations
Draw a Special Arts Card next.
Restores own Ki by 50.
Applies Buff Effect "Nullifies enemy's special actions that activate when changing cover" to self for 10 timer counts.
+30% to damage inflicted by allies for 30 timer counts.
Gradually restores ally health each timer count for 30 timer counts.

Requirements: 10 timer counts must elapse.

Unique Ability

Skillful Maneuver
Applies the following effects to self when battle starts:

+80% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
Reduces damage received by 70% (cannot be cancelled).
+50% to Ki Recovery (cannot be cancelled).
Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level (cannot be cancelled).
-5 to Arts costs (cannot be cancelled).

The following effects occur when this character enters the battlefield:

Randomly draws 1 new card when you have 3 or fewer cards.
+80% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts (cannot be cancelled).
Seals 1 enemy card slot randomly (up to 1 slot simultaneously).
The sealed card slot cannot be used for 10 timer counts.

Applies the following effects to self according to the number of times this character has been on the battlefield:

2 or more times: Restores health by 10%.
3 or more times: Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 15 timer counts.

Applies the following effects to self every time when faced with an enemy:

Restores Ki by 25.
+20% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts.

Familial Trust
The following effects occur every time when hit with an enemy's Arts attack while this character is on the battlefield:

Shortens allies' substitution counts by 1 (activates twice).
Reduces enemy Ki by 30 (activates once).

Activation counts reset after character switch.

The following effects occur when this character is switched to standby:

Shortens own substitution count by 1 (activates three times).
Restores ally health by 10% and Ki by 30.
+10% to damage inflicted by allies (cannot be cancelled) (activates twice).
+10% to damage inflicted by allied "Episode: Majin Buu Saga (Z)", "Tag: Event Exclusive", or "Tag: Android" (cannot be cancelled) (activates three times).

The following effects occur when this character is defeated:

Restores ally health by 20%.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "-1 Arts Card Draw Speed level" for 30 timer counts.
Reduces enemy's Dragon Balls by 1.

Z Ability
Held Arts Cards
Strike - Normal Strike Cards
Blast - Normal Blast Cards
Strike Arts Card
Strike (Impact)
Blast Arts Card
Blast (Impact)
Extra Arts Card
Unlock Ki: Form of Attack
Randomly draws 1 new card.
Restores own Ki by 50.
Increases own Dragon Balls by 1 (activates once).
Shortens allies' substitution counts by 3 (activates three times).
Randomly destroys 2 enemy cards.
Special Arts Card
Violent Shot
Deals major Impact damage.
Applies the following effects to self upon activation:

+100% to Special Move damage inflicted for 3 timer counts (activates once).
+30% to Special Move damage inflicted for 3 timer counts.
Gain one Dragon Ball (activates twice).

Inflicts all enemies with 5 substitution counts on hit.
Zenkai Main Ability
Zenkai Unique Ability
Z Ability
Zenkai Ability

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Held Arts Cards
Strike - Normal Strike Cards
Blast - Normal Blast Cards