Recommended Characters based on Z Ability IV
Fused with Kami Piccolo
Fused with Kami Piccolo
Fused with Kami PiccoloFused with Kami PiccoloFused with Kami PiccoloFused with Kami PiccoloFused with Kami PiccoloFused with Kami PiccoloFused with Kami PiccoloFused with Kami PiccoloFused with Kami PiccoloFused with Kami PiccoloFused with Kami PiccoloFused with Kami PiccoloFused with Kami PiccoloFused with Kami Piccolo
Base Stats

HP: 22159

Strike ATK: 1777

Strike DEF: 1292

Blast ATK: 2331

Blast DEF: 1280

Pierce Resist: 100

Slice Resist: 99

Impact Resist: 102

Explode Resist: 100

Critical Rate: 9.16%

Ki Recover: 23.08%

Vanish Recover: 20.00%

Change CD: 10s

Main Ability

A God's Wisdom
Nullifies own unfavorable Element Factors for 45 timer counts.
+50% to Blast damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.

Requirements: 10 timer counts must elapse.

Unique Ability

Intimidate (Android): Sustained Blast Dmg UP
Inflicts "Tag: Android" enemies with Attribute Downgrade "+35% to Blast Damage Received" for 20 timer counts when this character enters the battlefield.

Anti-Android: Blast Atk UP
+50% to Blast damage inflicted against "Tag: Android" (cannot be cancelled).

Z Ability
Held Arts Cards
Blast - Normal Blast Cards
Blast - Normal Blast Cards
Strike Arts Card
Strike (Impact)
Blast Arts Card
Blast (Impact)
Extra Arts Card
Unlock Ki: Form of Attack
+10% to Blast damage inflicted by allies for 15 timer counts.
Cancels own Attribute Downgrades.
Special Arts Card
Hellzone Grenade
Deals major Explode damage.
Applies Attribute Upgrade "-40% to enemy's 'Sustained Damage CUT' effects activated when changing cover" to self for 30 timer counts upon activation.
Zenkai Main Ability

A God's Wisdom
Nullifies own unfavorable Element Factors for 45 timer counts.
+50% to damage inflicted for 30 timer counts.

Requirements: 10 timer counts must elapse.

Zenkai Unique Ability

Intimidate: Sustained Blast Damage UP
Inflicts all enemies with Attribute Downgrade "+35% to Blast Damage Received" for 20 timer counts when this character enters the battlefield.

Facing a New Threat
+50% to Blast damage inflicted against "Tag: Android" or "Tag: Future" (cannot be cancelled).

Silent Barrage
Applies the following effects to self when this character enters the battlefield:

Restores Ki by 20.
Randomly draws 1 new card when you have 3 or fewer cards.

The Decision to Fight
Applies the following effects to self when battle starts:

+30% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled).
Reduces damage received by 10% (cannot be cancelled).

Z Ability
Zenkai Ability
Held Arts Cards
Blast - Normal Blast Cards
Blast - Normal Blast Cards
Strike Arts Card
Strike (Impact)
Blast Arts Card
Blast (Impact)
Zenkai Extra Arts Card
Unlock Ki: Form of Attack
+10% to damage inflicted by allies for 15 timer counts.
Cancels own Attribute Downgrades and Abnormal Conditions.
Zenkai Special Arts Card
Hellzone Grenade
Deals major Explode damage.
Applies Attribute Upgrade "-100% to enemy's 'Sustained Damage CUT' effects activated when changing cover" to self for 30 timer counts upon activation.