Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)
Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)
Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)
Base Stats

HP: 23419

Strike ATK: 2090

Strike DEF: 1581

Blast ATK: 2252

Blast DEF: 1550

Pierce Resist: 100

Slice Resist: 96

Impact Resist: 103

Explode Resist: 101

Critical Rate: 12.58%

Ki Recover: 21.24%

Vanish Recover: 20.00%

Change CD: 10s

Main Ability

Uncontrollable Power
Applies the following effects to self.

+10% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts after enemy attack is over.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+10% to Damage Received" for 10 timer counts every time this character uses an Arts Card.

Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.

Unique Ability

Intimidate: Sustained Blast Damage UP
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+20% to Blast Damage Received" for 15 timer counts when this character enters the battlefield.

Cover: Destroy Card
Randomly destroys 2 enemy cards when changing cover.
+30% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts & +2 to own substitution count when activated.

Z Ability
Held Arts Cards
Strike - Normal Strike Cards
Blast - Normal Blast Cards
Strike Arts Card
Strike (Impact)
Blast Arts Card
Blast (Impact)
Extra Arts Card
Unlock Ki: Form of Life
Restores own health by 15%.
+15% to Blast damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Special Arts Card
Gigantic Impact
Deals major Explode damage.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+5 to Substitution Count" for 15 timer counts on hit.
Zenkai Main Ability

Uncontrollable Power
Restores own Ki by 50.
Applies the following effects to self:

+15% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts after enemy attack is over.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+15% to Damage Received" for 15 timer counts every time this character uses an Arts Card.

Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.

Zenkai Unique Ability

Berserker Intimidation
The following effects occur when this character enters the battlefield:

Restores own Ki by 30.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+30% to Blast Damage Received" for 20 timer counts.

Cover: Destroy Card
The following effects occur when changing cover:

Randomly destroys two enemy cards.
Reduces damage received by 20% until combo ends.

+30% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts when activated.

Unstoppable Rampage
Applies the following effects to self after enemy attack is over:

Restores Ki by 30.
+30% to next Arts damage inflicted (cannot be stacked).
Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 10 timer counts.

True Power Unleashed
Applies the following effects to self when this character enters the battlefield if there is a "Tag: Girls" or "Tag: Rival Universe" battle member other than this character in the party:

+70% to damage inflicted (cannot be stacked).
Reduces damage received by 15% for 15 timer counts.
-10 to Blast Arts cost for 15 timer counts.

Z Ability
Zenkai Ability
Held Arts Cards
Strike - Normal Strike Cards
Blast - Normal Blast Cards
Strike Arts Card
Strike (Impact)
Blast Arts Card
Blast (Impact)
Zenkai Extra Arts Card
Unlock Ki: Form of Life
Restores own health by 15%.
+20% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Zenkai Special Arts Card
Gigantic Impact
Deals major Explode damage.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+5 to Substitution Count" for 20 timer counts on hit.