Captain Ginyu
Captain Ginyu
 Captain Ginyu Captain Ginyu Captain Ginyu Captain Ginyu Captain Ginyu Captain Ginyu Captain Ginyu Captain Ginyu Captain Ginyu Captain Ginyu Captain Ginyu Captain Ginyu Captain Ginyu Captain Ginyu Captain Ginyu Captain Ginyu Captain Ginyu Captain Ginyu
Base Stats

HP: 22779

Strike ATK: 2330

Strike DEF: 1433

Blast ATK: 2330

Blast DEF: 1433

Pierce Resist: 102

Slice Resist: 99

Impact Resist: 99

Explode Resist: 100

Critical Rate: 13.59%

Ki Recover: 23.32%

Vanish Recover: 20.00%

Change CD: 10s

Main Ability

I...like it!
Draw the Awakened Arts Card "Body Change" next.
Inflicts all allies and enemies with "No Switching" for 10 timer counts.

Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.

Unique Ability

Arrival of the Elite Force
When this character enters the battlefield, the following effects occur if all 3 battle members are "Tag: Frieza Force":

+35% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
+30% to own Ki Recovery for 20 timer counts.

The following effects also occur if all 3 battle members are "Tag: Ginyu Force":

-5 to own Strike & Blast Arts cost for 15 timer counts.
Draw a Special Arts Card next (activates once).

Reliable Captain
Applies the following effects to allied "Tag: Frieza Force" when this character is switched to standby:

+15% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
+20% to Ki Recovery for 15 timer counts.

Also applies the following effects to allied "Tag: Ginyu Force":

+15% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
+15% to Critical Rate for 15 timer counts.

Z Ability
Held Arts Cards
Strike - Normal Strike Cards
Blast - Normal Blast Cards
Strike Arts Card
Strike (Impact)
Blast Arts Card
Blast (Impact)
Extra Arts Card
Fighting Pose
Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 10 timer counts.
+30% to allies' Ki Recovery for 10 timer counts.
Special Arts Card
Milky Cannon
Deals major Explode damage.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "-50% to Ki Recovery" for 10 timer counts on hit.
Ultimate Arts Card
Body Change
Deals major Pierce damage.
Cancels enemy Attribute Upgrades on hit.
*The damage from this attack cannot cause the enemy to be defeated.
Zenkai Main Ability

I...like it!
Draw the Awakened Arts Card "Body Change" next.
Restores own Ki by 50.
Inflicts all allies and enemies with "No Switching" for 10 timer counts.

Requirements: 25 timer counts must elapse.

Zenkai Unique Ability

Arrival of the Elite Force
When this character enters the battlefield, the following effects occur if all 3 battle members are "Tag: Frieza Force":

+45% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.
+30% to own Ki Recovery for 20 timer counts.

The following effects also occur if all 3 battle members are "Tag: Ginyu Force":

-5 to own Strike & Blast Arts costs for 15 timer counts.
Draw a Special Arts Card next (activates twice).

Reliable Captain
Applies the following effects to allied "Tag: Frieza Force" when this character is switched to standby:

+20% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
+30% to Ki Recovery for 15 timer counts.

Also applies the following effects to allied "Tag: Ginyu Force":

+20% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
+15% to Critical Rate for 15 timer counts.

Rising Power Level
+10% to damage inflicted for 10 timer counts every time this character uses a Strike or Blast Arts Card.

A Captain's Pride
Applies the following effects to self when this character enters the battlefield:

Restores health by 10% (activates three times).
Reduces damage received by 20% for 15 timer counts.

Z Ability
Zenkai Ability
Held Arts Cards
Strike - Normal Strike Cards
Blast - Normal Blast Cards
Strike Arts Card
Strike (Impact)
Blast Arts Card
Blast (Impact)
Zenkai Extra Arts Card
Fighting Pose
Increases own Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 10 timer counts.
+40% to allies' Ki Recovery for 15 timer counts.
Zenkai Special Arts Card
Milky Cannon
Deals major Explode damage.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "-80% to Ki Recovery" for 10 timer counts on hit.
Zenkai Ultimate Arts Card
Body Change
Deals massive Pierce damage.
+80% to Awakened damage inflicted for 3 timer counts upon activation.
Cancels enemy Attribute Upgrades on hit.
*The damage from this attack cannot cause the enemy to be defeated.