I'm putting all of our hope into this one blast!

Unique equipment. Grants a slot effect to the equipped character if they have met certain conditions.
Tag/Trait Conditions
Note: When traits are side by side, it means 'AND'. When traits are vertical stacked, it means 'OR'.

Slot 1
Base Health 8.00 ~ 15.00%
Base Strike Defense 20.00 ~ 40.00%
Base Blast Defense 20.00 ~ 40.00%
Health Restoration 5.00 ~ 15.00%
Slot 2
Base Strike Attack 20.00 ~ 40.00%
Base Blast Attack 20.00 ~ 40.00%
Inflicted Damage 10.00 ~ 30.00%
Special Move Damage 5.00 ~ 15.00%
Base Ki Recovery 20.00 ~ 40.00%
Slot 3
Restores own Ki by 30 when this character enters the battlefield. Applies the following effects to self when the Switch Ability is activated with "Trunks": Draw a Blast Arts Card. Restores Ki by 30. Increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level for 5 timer counts.
- OR -
Restores own Ki by 10 when this character enters the battlefield.