News Details:

Game Update Announcement

Start Time: 2025-03-19 18:00:00 (JST) ~ End Time: 2025-04-02 15:00:00 (JST)

Thank you for your continued support of Dragon Ball Legends.

The maintenance that commenced on 2025/03/19 11:00 has been completed.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Update Contents

  • Updated the data of various content

End of Support for Energy Tickets

After the maintenance on , you will no longer be able to exchange Energy Tickets for EN Tanks.
Once this exchange period ends, any Energy Tickets still in your inventory will be deleted.
Please exchange your Energy Tickets for EN Tanks at the Recycle Center before this time.

*The time listed in the News may be adjusted depending on the timing of the maintenance on that day.

If you have any issues while playing, please see here.

We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends.

Dragon Ball Legends Management Team