News Details:

Policy on Dishonest Acts in Rating Matches

Start Time: 2023-08-23 14:30:00 (JST) ~ End Time: 2030-01-01 00:00:00 (JST)

Thank you for your continued support of Dragon Ball Legends.

In this notice, we would like to bring players up to speed on our policy regarding dishonest acts in Rating Matches (PvP).

As has been the case up to now, intentionally disconnecting, exploiting bugs, or using other dishonest means to earn Rating Points (RP) in PvP is not allowed.

In the interest of maintaining a fair PvP environment, cheating by altering game files, intentionally disconnecting or causing disconnects, colluding with other players to influence match outcomes, and other such acts deemed to be unfair are logged and dealt with accordingly.

Our responses in dealing with dishonest acts are not based only on player-submitted reports. We investigate the logs, and if we determine that a player is acting dishonestly, we penalize them by means which may include revoking RP, banning them, and so on.

*If a player loses RP due to cheating, they will also lose Legends Ranking Points.
*In the event of repeated disconnections, players may be penalized with temporary restrictions to PvP modes, loss of RP, and loss of Legends Ranking points.
As some of these acts which might be judged as intentional and dishonest could in fact be caused by a player's or their opponent's internet connection or reception, these penalties will not be applied in low frequency cases.
Any disconnections due to poor signal or notifications from other apps will be counted as a disconnection. Please check your app settings and play in an environment with a good signal.
We will continue to monitor the community and the PvP environment, and protect players by taking firm measures against dishonest acts.

We will continue working to provide a more fair and stable environment, including addressing actions that result in the improper acquisition of Rating Points.

We will continue working hard to ensure that our players can enjoy a smooth gameplay experience, and we kindly ask for your understanding.

Dragon Ball Legends Management Team